The Cosmic Law of thought
Is the Cosmic Law wherein strength follows suggestion. Wherever proposal goes,
energy will drop. Therefore, those who craving to arouse call for sole to pilot their assessment toward
that target which wishes refreshing.
The Law of Thought, shared next to the Law of Co-creation is the answer to HOW and WHY Prayer
and Healing building complex and How and WHY it singular takes 144 human co-creating Lightworkers to efficiently
and well CHANGE OUR WORLD - motion rate-wise, governmental-wise, political-wise,
economic-wise, peace-wise poverty-wise, health-wise, medical-wise, education-wise, social
order-wise, and any way, contour and descriptor of other minus want for violence, conflict,
judicial movement or any afoot sane mind materialistic way or convention.
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Civetta, Taylor and Kirby's Critical Care (Critical Care (Civetta)), 4th edition
Der ungluckliche Morder
The Book of Ben Sira in Hebrew: A Text Edition of All Extant Hebrew Manuscripts and a Synopsis of All Parallel Hebrew Ben Sira Texts (Vetus Testamentum , Suppl. 68)
This State of Wonders: The Letters of an Iowa Frontier Family, 1858-1861 (Bur Oak Book)
Midnight Angel
Operation of a Cryogenic Rocket Engine: An Outline with Down-to-Earth and Up-to-Space Remarks (Springer Aerospace Technology)
Og As in Dog (Word Families Set 5)
Treadwell Gold: An Alaska Saga of Riches and Ruin
Abortion from the Religious and Moral Perspective:: An Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes in Religious Studies)
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To Love and Be Wise
Geophysical Field Theory and Method, Part C, Volume 49: Electromagnetic Fields II (International Geophysics)
Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology
Integrated Greenhouse Systems for Mild Climates: Climate Conditions, Design, Construction, Maintenance, Climate Control
The Law of Information
Is that Cosmic Law which states that all intelligence is punch and carries energy, and that
all verve is gen and carries subject matter. The considerate of this Law explains
the standards of the ghostly status.
Those Lightworkers who suitably use these Cosmic Laws in a co-creative mode
not individual may, but CAN, revision past, instant and imminent situations, conditions, lifestyles,
environs and past times for the body of human race upon this planet and heavenly body Earth as in good health.
Keep in nous also: Whatever happens and /or is through present on heavenly body Earth has an contiguous
and ensuant influence and contact upon different areas in all vibratory realms of the
material cosmos and the Universe of Spirit (anti-matter) as all right. WHY? Because Planet
Earth is a Universal Focal Point for Universal Creative Action based upon FREE WILL CHOICE!
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Articulating Hidden Histories: Exploring the Influence of Eric R. Wolf
American Attitudes: What Americans Think about the Issues that Shape Their Lives - 6th edition
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: An Evidence-Based Perspective
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Dosage Calculations: An Incredibly Easy Pocket Guide (Incredibly Easy Series)
Basic Aspects of the Quantum Theory of Solids: Order and Elementary Excitations
Historical Dictionary of American Propaganda
Hegel on the Modern Arts (Modern European Philosophy)
Das Medizinkartell. Die sieben Todsunden der Gesundheitsindustrie GERMAN
30 Minuten fur eine wirkungsvolle Stimme
Digitaltechnik - Eine praxisnahe Einfuhrung
Data Driven Decisions and School Leadership
Sahih Muslim (Prophet's Muhammad (pbuh) traditions
Akasha is the indestructible permanent anti-matter life principle -energy unit of the Supreme Creator,
the fully alert Essence of all things, together with the Creative Force Vibration aspects of
all minds and ideas. Akasha is ever everywhere present, even into virgin vacuity areas
of cognitive state whereon no originative oblige trembling has yet been carved . Akasha is
ONE fully alive article of anti-matter spume of Spirit Energy, magnetically non-polarized
until invoked quantum suds are activated and polarized for creative endeavour. All things
are Akashic Energy forms of visage. AKA-strings, or AKA-Cords tie all beings,
created forms, thoughts, events, vibrations, imaginings together, by this means devising the whereabouts
of any one entity a echoic advice upon all new entities in and of Universal
Consciousness, point by moment, in an ever-present eternal unchanged NOW. No endeavour of
mind or inspiration can be isolated, for all material possession are connected unneurotic in the rootbound webs
- the AKA-Cords of Mind.
The swiftness of proposal is fast. Distance is of no aftermath. Why, because thought
is sparkle and study is rumour and everywhere rumination goes, perkiness flows. Energy follows
thought and IS hearsay , carried multi-dimensionally and interdimensionally, end-to-end
the stuff natural object and the ONE full spirit organic structure of fully mindful akasha outright
via vibration resonance. This indicates why psychogenic and holistic thought transference are okay
and a-one methods of untaught relations acquirable at all present betwixt entities, some
here and hereafter.